The Lakewood Preschool is primarily an early intervention program for children with a disability and who are between the ages of 3 and 6 years of age (if turning 6 after January 1 of the school year). When there are concerns about a young child’s development, we can conduct a free multi-factored evaluation of the child. The evaluation process includes observations and assessments conducted by a team comprised of three or more of the following: school psychologist, early childhood intervention specialist, therapists, and input from the parents/guardians.
An evaluation team meeting is held with all the team members, including the parents/guardians, to review evaluation information and make a determination of whether an educational disability exists. Children with disabilities in our preschool program have a wide range of needs including communication, hearing, motor (fine and gross), vision, cognition, adaptive behavior (self-help skills), and/or social/emotional/behavioral functioning. If the child is identified as having a disability, then the Individual Education Plan (IEP) team, (which also includes the parents/guardians as integral team members) meets to develop goals, services, and decide where best the interventions can be provided. Children identified as having a disability do not pay preschool tuition.
The continuum of options where Lakewood Local School District staff can deliver IEP services includes itinerantly-based (outside of the preschool classroom) and classroom-based services.
- Itinerantly - In a licensed, community based child care or preschool (preschool paid by parent/guardian), within the boundaries of Lakewood Local School District.
- Itinerantly - Head Start program in Buckeye Lake.
- Itinerantly – Within a local library, community or private center, or child’s home.
- Within one of the two Lakewood Local School District’s preschool classrooms.
- In a therapy space within the Lakewood Local School District’s building (called Service Provider Location).
If you are concerned about your young child’s development, contact our Director of Special Programs, Belinda Hohman, to discuss your concerns and help determine if your child would need an evaluation. You can reach her at or call 740-928-5878.