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Bell Schedule


  • 8:30am - Buses and car riders arriving/Doors open
  • 8:50 am - Tardy if arriving after this time
  • 11:00am - 12:45pm - Lunch/Recess block
  • 3:20pm - First buses and pickups called

*2-hour delay schedule is in our Handbook


If your student must be absent, call (740) 928-1915 as early as possible on the day of the absence and provide a note on the day the student returns. If no call or note is received, the absence will be considered unexcused. Acceptable reasons for excused absences are provided in our Handbook.


Students check in at the office anytime they enter school after 8:50am. Habitual tardiness (5 or more times in a grading period) may result in a 60-minute detention.


Parents must sign a student out in the office if they are leaving school early.


Parents may drop children off starting at 8:20. Pull into the south entry past the Intermediate Facility. The drop off zone is the sidewalk bordering the south parking lot. Exit the drive closest to the softball field. The driveway/parking area in front of the building is for busses only from 8:15 – 8:45am each day. If you need to enter the building at this time, park on the south end of the building and enter through the front entrance of the building.


Parent pick-ups dismiss at 3:20pm. Park in the lot on the south end of the building. Walk to the south sidewalk to escort your student(s) to the car so the bus exit route is not blocked. If your student is not on our daily pick-up list or will be picked up early, please send a note to the homeroom teacher. When you arrive, sign your student out in the office (3rd grade on the hill, 4th & 5th in the main building). Dismissal generally runs until 3:45. 


Ring the bell at the main entrance and report to the office to sign in and receive a visitor’s pass.
For full details on our policies and procedures, review the Jackson Intermediate Handbook.