Bullying & Harassment
Dear Lakewood Families,
Safety is a top priority for me and for the Lakewood Local School District. We take this responsibility very seriously and appreciate the partnership of students, staff, families, community members, and our first responders to keep everyone safe. Please see more on our website here.
Included in our district’s safety strategy are policies regarding bullying and harassment. We take reports of bullying and harassment of any type very seriously. Board Policy 1662 (Administration - Anti-Harassment) and Board Policy 5517 (Students - Anti-Harassment) were both revised on March 1, 2024. In addition, we have Board Policy 5517.01 (Bullying and Other Forms of Aggressive Behavior). This policy requires a semiannual written summary of all reported bullying incidents to be presented to the Board President and posted on the district website. Each report of bullying is thoroughly investigated with documentation on the action taken and placed in the district’s student management system. This system ensures we meet all the standards of our policy and the law.
Earlier this year in the Spring, we heard concerns from parents and guardians about discipline and bullying in all our buildings. Based on these concerns and the subsequent conversation, the district took immediate action to put a plan in place and I want to share the topline version with you.
Bullying & Harassment Action Plan
Goal: Increase communication, education, and consistency regarding our policies and how we execute them.
- Building Advisory Council (BAC) – Leadership from each building began preemptively discussing these issues within their BAC in April and May before the summer break and will continue now that 2024-25 has begun.
- All schools have discussed at BAC meetings to date.
- Parent Advisory Council – Building leadership created (if non-existing) or engaged their parent advisory council on this topic and invited at least five parents/guardians from various grade levels to meet in April and May before the summer break and will continue now that 2024-25 has begun.
- All buildings have created, or are in the process of creating this year’s Parent Advisory Council.
- Student Advisory Council – Building leadership will create (if non-existing) or engage their student advisory council on this topic, making it reflective of all grade levels, in April and May before the summer break, and will continue now that 2024-25 has begun.
- All buildings have created, or are in the process of creating this year’s Student Advisory Council.
- Anti-bullying Programming – Building leadership will work with our SROs (school resource officers), their BAC, and/or BLT (building leadership team) on what age-appropriate programming can be explored to ensure that every student participates in at least two preventive educational activities before the end of each school year. Programs will be advertised in newsletters, social media, etc.
- All buildings completed age-appropriate programming for all students by the end of 2023-24.
- All buildings are making plans to conduct age-appropriate anti-bullying training for 2024-25.
- Consistent Bullying Intake & Documenting Protocols – Each building has specific protocols for the intake of bullying/harassment reporting. We will merge best practices from each to create a universal form for all to use.
- Principals have finalized this form and are using it now.
- Content Filtering – All staff will continue to be mindful of proper content filtering of student devices and work with our IT staff on filters and options to keep our students safe and away from content that could be harmful.
- The IT Department has created a handout.
- Safety Tip Hotline – Ensure that all parents, students, and staff are aware of the anonymous hotline and that it can be accessed 24/7.
- Added to the front page of the district website.
- PBIS Programming – Building leadership will continue to discuss the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports system with staff and students, including how it does or does not connect with discipline.
- School PBIS teams continue to meet regularly and schedule appropriate programming for all students.
I hope you have found the information shared in this message helpful and it has reinforced that Lakewood Local School District is deeply committed to making our schools safe places. We appreciate your attention to this important topic.
Scott Coffey
Interim Superintendent, Lakewood Local Schools
“Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means the following:
Any intentional written, electronically transmitted, verbal, graphic, or physical act that a student or group of students exhibited toward another particular student more than once and the behavior both:
- Causes mental or physical harm to the other student; and
- Is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for the other student.
What to Do If Your Child is Being Bullied
Children often do not tell their parents that they are being bullied because they are embarrassed or frightened. If you suspect your child is being bullied or your child brings it up, consider these steps:
- Talk with your child. Focus on your child. Express your concern and make it clear that you want to help.
- Empathize with your child. Say bullying is wrong, that it is not their fault, and that you are glad they had the courage to tell you about it.
- Work together to find solutions. Ask your child what they think can be done to help. Reassure them that the situation can be handled privately.
- Document ongoing bullying. Work with your child to keep a record of all bullying incidents. If it involves cyberbullying, keep a record of all messages or postings.
- Help your child develop strategies and skills for handling bullying. Provide suggestions for ways to respond to bullying, and help your child gain confidence by rehearsing their responses.
- Be persistent. Bullying may not be resolved overnight.
- Stay vigilant to other possible problems that your child may be having. Some of the warning signs may be signs of other serious problems. Share your concerns with a counselor at your child's school.
Working with Your Child’s School
Parents are often reluctant to report bullying to school officials, but bullying may not stop without the school’s help. Parents should never be afraid to call the school to report that their child is being bullied and ask for help to stop the bullying.
- Know the school policies. Ask for a copy or check the student handbook to see whether your school has standards in place that will help resolve the situation.
- Open the line of communication. Call or set up an appointment to talk with your child's teacher or school counselor and establish a partnership to stop the bullying.
- Get help for your child. Seek advice from your child's guidance counselor or other school-based health professionals. They may be able to help your child cope with the stress of being bullied.
- Commit to making the bullying stop. Talk regularly with your child and with school staff to see whether the bullying has stopped.
What Not to Do
- Never tell your child to ignore the bullying. What the child may “hear” is that you are going to ignore it. Be supportive and gather information about the bullying. Often, trying to ignore bullying allows it to become more serious.
- Do not blame your child for being bullied. Do not assume that your child did something to provoke the bullying.
- Do not encourage your child to harm the person who is bullying them. It could get your child hurt, suspended, or expelled.Do not contact the parents of the students who bullied your child. It may make matters worse. School officials should contact the parents of the children involved.
- Do not demand or expect a solution on the spot. Indicate you would like to follow up to determine the best course of action. Also, be aware that the law limits the ability of school personnel from revealing disciplinary actions taken against other students. Just because they cannot tell you if or how another student was disciplined, does not mean action was not taken.
Additional information and resources can be found at www.stopbullying.gov.