We strive to create a safe, efficient and effective transportation system for the Lakewood community. Riding the bus is an important part of the school day for many Lakewood students. But keep in mind that riding the bus is a privilege, not a right. Students need to know that the bus driver is the authority on the bus in compliance with district policy, rules and regulations. By working together, we can achieve our goal of safely transporting students to and from school each day.
Lakewood Local School District is hiring for several types of driver positions. To see detailed job descriptions and information on how to apply, visit our Employment page.
BUS ROUTES - SafeRoutz
Registering Students for Buses:
We use the parent transportation portal, SafeRoutz, to register students for busing. Here, you have the ability to view your student's busing information, submit new information, and request changes. This ensures that we have a direct line of communication and allows you to view your student's bus times and stop locations. If you have already registered for transportation through One View, it will automatically carry over into this portal, although you will still need to establish an account to access this information. The link to register is provided below as well as instructions for registering.
Please click this link for the transportation parent portal and register. If your student is currently routed, bus schedules will appear in your portal student's record. If it doesn't appear, this means that staff is currently adjusting routes. Please check back regularly for updates. If a change is needed, please submit a transportation request using the parent portal. Video instructions are provided. Your portal will be updated immediately after your student is scheduled on a bus, so please check your parent portal periodically. It will provide schedule information including bus number, stop location and scheduled stop times.
Registration is required for all students that are currently riding a bus and/or require a bus ride.
Need more details on registering your student? Follow these steps!
How to Request Transportation for Your Student:
Reserve school bus service for your student using our parent transportation portal, SafeRoutz.
1. Go to our transportation portal at If you already have an account connected by email, you will receive an invite to register. There are easy-to-follow directions once you access the portal on how to register your student.
2. Please be certain the student's physical address is current. This address is used for routing purposes and accuracy is important. Please add your cell phone number and email address. We will use this contact information for communications related to transportation only.
3. Once you have registered, you will have the ability to view your student’s busing information, including stop locations, bus numbers and scheduled stop times. In addition, you can visit this site in the future to submit new information and request changes.
Director of Transportation
Secretary to Transportation, Food Service and Maintenance |
4291 National Rd SE
Hebron, OH 43025
Please call the transportation department at 740-928-8886 for transportation needs.
Morning Drop Off
When dropping off your students to Lakewood Elementary (LES) and Jackson intermediate school (JIS), enter the driveway on the north side of JIS. Proceed in front of the building in a single file line against the curb. Please leave the left lane open. Students will exit the vehicle curbside and walk on the sidewalk, and either enter JIS on the south side of the building or enter LES by following the sidewalk, turn right, and then walk up the hill to the main entrance of LES. Staff will be assigned to help the students enter the building and get to the proper room.
When the drop off car line backs up to Lancer Road, proceed on Lancer Road and enter the high school parking lot using the south entrance to stack the overflow. We need to keep Lancer Road open for other traffic and emergency vehicles. When inside the high school parking lot, turn left in the first lane and continue to the north exit. Stop, cross Lancer Road and enter the JIS north drive when space allows.
Afternoon Pick Up
Students going home by car from both Lakewood Elementary and Jackson Intermediate Schools will enter cars in the same area of drop off, which is in front of JIS. All car riding students from LES and JIS will exit through the cafeteria door on the east side of JIS adjacent to the front drive. Students will walk to the cars starting at the stop sign. Please use extreme caution. After the first few cars, please move up. Exit by turning left at the stop sign to Lancer Road.
Again, when the pick up car line backs up to Lancer Road, proceed on Lancer Road and enter the high school parking lot using the south entrance to stack the overflow. We need to keep Lancer Road open for other traffic and emergency vehicles. When inside the high school parking lot, turn left in the first lane and continue to the north exit. Stop, cross Lancer Road and enter the JIS north drive when space allows.
We look forward to serving you and your students.